The advantages NGV can offer to vehicle owners include:
• Substantial savings (50%) in fuel cost
• Lower operating cost
• Contributes to a cleaner environment
• Extended travel range
Government Incentives & Legislations To Encourage Use of NGV
NGV is supported by the government with incentives and legislation to encourage vehicles owner to use NGV. NGV price is only 63.5 cent/litre equivalent of petrol, is cheaper than other fuels. NGV conversion kits are exempted from import duty and sales tax.
Reduction of road tax from existing levels:
• Monogas vehicle (NGV only) - 50% off
• Bi-fuel vehicle (Petrol & NGV) - 25% off
• Dual-fuel vehicle (Diesel & NGV) - 25% off
All these are major factors for potential owners to consider when making their vehicle fuel choices. However, what many owners may not be aware of is the safety record of NGV vehicles. NGV vehicles safety record compares favourably to other traditional fuels or alternative fuels available today. This is due to the superior (and still improving) technology, higher safety standards and the physical properties of NGV itself which makes it as safe or safer to use than petroleum-based fuels.
More explaination about NGV
# Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV)?
Yes! It is natural gas under pressure in cylinders, placed in your car boot compartment.
# Can my petrol cost be really cut by half?
Yes! The price of NGV is more than half the price of petrol. Petrol price is RM2.70 per litre while NGV price is 68 cents per litre.
# Will it affect my car's engine?
Not at all! NGV is a clean fuel. It makes your engine run cleaner and quieter. So, definitely NGV can reduce your service maintenance bill.
# But is it safe?
NGV has been in use overseas since 1945. Today, more than 1,000,000 vehicles use NGV all over the world. And there has not been any serious accident caused by NGV.
# But what about the storage cylinders?
Unlike a petrol tank, the storage cylinders are so strong they can withstand direct impact from a car speeding at 90 km/hr or a small calibre bullet.
# What about the gas inside?
The NGV inside is so much lighter than air, it just disappears into the air quickly in case of leakage. It also does not ignite easily.
# Where do I refill NGV?
At any NGV outlet. Look for the NGV sign.
# What about road tax for my car?
You get 25% deduction for your road tax. This clearly shows the Government's commitment to NGV.
# Can I use both - petrol and NGV?
Yes! You can use either NGV or petrol after fixing the NGV kit in your car.
# Where do I service my NGV car?
Presently, there are 5 servicing workshops. More will soon be added to the list.
# One last question. Is it environment-friendly?
Yes! It definitely is! No black smoke! No lead! It keeps the city's air clean and people healthy
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